Atlas 1031 Exchange has proudly served clients seeking I.R.C § 1031 counsel as Qualified Intermediaries with precision and excellence for over 16 years. We often personally meet with clients, and speak at educational events on “Tax Deferred Exchanges.”
Phone: 1-800-227-1031
Orlando Office
1816 Bimini Drive, Orlando, FL 32806
Naples Office
Marsh Run, Naples, FL 34109
What You Get When Asking Your Question
- Less than 12-hour response to your questions.
- Thoroughness and expertise of a Certified Exchange Specialist
- Plan of action summarised in an email follow up.
First Name*
Last Name*
Email Address*
Phone Number
What is the property being sold?*
In Contract*
Have you signed an agreement with the buyer?*
How do you identify yourself?*
How may we help you?*
Experience matters when deferring federal and state capital gains and recaptured depreciation taxes. We are incredibly responsive to your requests and value your questions. They are an indication of taking ownership of the tax deferral strategy whether that is a 1031 exchange or Deferred Sales Trust. Taking ownership relates to better questions, communication and deferral outcome.

1031 Exchange Replacement Property OptionsCoronavirus (COVID-19) - 1031 Exchange Update - IRS Notice 2020-23
1031 Exchange Oil, Gas, Mineral and Water Rights as Replacement Property
The Top 7 Reasons You Can't Do a 1031 Exchange
1031 Exchange Example - Forward Exchange
Utilizing Trusts in a 1031 Exchange

About Atlas 1031
1031 Exchange BasicsQualified Use
Qualified Escrow Account
Exchange Property Types
Inventor Support
Exchange BankExchange Resources
Managing Member
Qualified Escrow Account
IRS Updates
About Atlas 1031
1031 Exchange BasicsQualified Use
Qualified Escrow Account
Exchange Property Types
Inventor Support
Exchange BankExchange Resources
Managing Member
Qualified Escrow Account
IRS Updates